Hi👋🏼 I'm Susan,
fullstack software engineer

As a teacher turned techie, I bring a spirit of collaboration, accessible communication, and good old-fashioned hard work to everything that I do.


I've learned a lot over the past two years since I began taking learning how to code more seriously. Below are two of the projects I've built that I'm most excited about:


An independent fullstack project which is a functional clone of the popular productivity website Trello. The frontend components were built using react while the backed was built using Ruby on Rails.

Trelloh features:

  • full CRUD for workspaces, boards, lists, cards, and comments
  • aesthetically pleasing toggle menus and scrolling functionalities
  • demo mode or user signup options


An interactive ed tech tool designed to make learning HTML easy.

In this team MERN stack project I was responsible for:

  • building out the code editor
  • creating buttons that take care of the syntax for the user and adds the constructed element directly to the HTML file
  • creatively implementing jquery in order to color match corresponding element tags and their rendered outputs in order to make reading HTML clear even for a newbie!


Here are some of the technologies that I enjoy using:


I'm always open to new connections, opportunities, or feedback. Feel free to use the form below to get in touch!